Showing Collections: 81 - 86 of 86
Alton Anderson collection of dog photography
All breeds recognized by the AKC at this time period are represented. Most images are head or full-body portraits. Original folders contain photographic print and negative elements, as well as contact sheets. Order forms for film may be of assistance in dating and ID-ing images. A fairly comprehensive set of photo release forms, arranged by group, is also present and can be used for identification purposes.
Jean and Bob Hetherington collection of Rudolph Tauskey portraits
AKV 1.20 West Coast Photographic Negative Collection
Japanese Chin Club of America collection
Contains club administration documents, show files (premium lists, judging programs, marked catalog pages), officer and committe reports, handbooks, a personal scrapbook created by Gewendolyn Farnsworth, and the secretary's book documenting the execution of the first specialty hosted in 1965.
Mary J. Gardner Dandie Dinmont ribbons and trophies collection
Contains ribbons related to the show careers of Dandie Dinmonts Kiltie of Carthagenia and Keeper of Kiltmine, owned by Mary J. Gardner.
Skye Terrier Club of America collection
Collection contains a vast amount of club administrative materials, including meeting minutes and general correspondence, dating as far back as the 1940s; an assemblage of photographs, both win shots and candids; and the personal papers of prominent mid-century breeder Marjorie T. Adams.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Black-and-white photographs 37
- Correspondence 26
- Color photographs 23
- Catalogs 22
- Newsletters 21
- Dog shows 20
- Minutes 20
- Clippings 16
- Pedigrees 16
- Win Shots 14
- Breed Specialty Shows 13
- Constitutions 13
- Working (group) 13
- Dogs -- Breeding 12
- Scrapbooks 12
- Bylaws (administrative records) 11
- Magazines (periodicals) 11
- Membership lists 11
- Sporting (group) 11
- Breed standards 10
- Breed standards -- Illustrated 9
- Terriers (group) 9
- Pamphlets 8
- Photograph albums 8
- Books 7
- Dog Shows -- Judging 7
- Hounds (group) 7
- Videotapes 7
- Clubs - United States 6
- Dog shows - United States 6
- Dog shows -- 1950-1959 6
- Kennel records 6
- Premium lists 6
- Stud book registration certificates 6
- Yearbooks 6
- black-and-white negatives 6
- color negatives 6
- Dog shows -- 1970-1979 5
- Herding (group) 5
- Hunting dogs 5
- Non-Sporting (group) 5
- Show ribbons 5
- Studbooks 5
- Toys (group) 5
- Awards 4
- Championship certificates 4
- Christmas cards 4
- Dog Shows -- Handling 4
- Dog shows -- 1940-1949 4
- Dog shows -- 1960-1969 4
- Dogs -- Health 4
- Dogs in art 4
- Greyhound 4
- Kennels 4
- Pedigree certificates 4
- printed ephemera 4
- Dog Show and Obedience Trial 3
- Dog Shows -- 1930-1939 3
- Dog Shows--Judging 3
- Dog shows -- 1990-1999 3
- Dog shows -- 2000-2009 3
- Field trials 3
- Genetics 3
- Irish setter 3
- Medals 3
- Obedience judging (Dog shows) 3
- Obedience trials for dogs 3
- Stud dog cards 3
- Westminster Kennel Club -- Dog Show 3
- postage stamps 3
- American Kennel Gazette 2
- Audiovisual materials 2
- Beagle 2
- Bedlington terrier -- Liver toxicosis 2
- Bull terrier 2
- Cocker spaniel 2
- Dog Shows -- 1980-1989 2
- Dog shows - Junior showmanship classes 2
- Dog sports. 2
- Dogs -- 1950-2000 2
- Field trial dogs 2
- Futurity shows 2
- German shepherd dog 2
- Giant schnauzer 2
- Herding dogs 2
- Labrador retriever 2
- Montgomery County Kennel Club -- Dog Show 2
- Professional ethics 2
- Retrievers 2
- Rules, regulations, guidelines, procedures 2
- Scottish deerhound 2
- Scottish terrier 2
- Skye terrier 2
- Smooth fox terrier 2
- Spaniels. 2
- Wire fox terrier 2
- black-and-white slides 2
- cigarette cards 2
- color slides 2
- pen and ink drawings 2 ∧ less
- Language
- Japanese 1
- Names
- American Kennel Club 5
- Ludwig, Joan 3
- Tauskey, Rudolf, 1888-1979 3
- Ashbey, John L. 2
- Bull Terrier Club of America 2
- Sangster, George 2
- Adams, Marjorie Townshend 1
- Akita Club of America 1
- American Kennel Club Foreign Registration Department 1
- American Kennel Club. Club Relations Department 1
- American Kennel Club. Judges Education Department 1
- American Rottweiler Club 1
- American Tibetan Mastiff Association 1
- American Water Spaniel Club 1
- Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club of America 1
- Armstrong, Carmen 1
- Bearded Collie Club of America 1
- Bedlington Terrier Club of America 1
- Bergman, Faye 1
- Bueno, Iris de la Torre 1
- Cairn Terrier Club of America 1
- Capstaff, Genevieve, Dr. 1
- Carneal, Thomas 1
- Carpenter, Eleanor Houston (Hill) 1
- Carveth (Rod and Margaret) 1
- Casper, Wolfgang A., Dr. 1
- Chapman 1
- Chihuahua Club of America 1
- Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America 1
- Chisholm, Hugh J., III 1
- Clark, Anne Rogers 1
- Clements, Marissa 1
- Cook, Jack 1
- Cook, Olive 1
- Crane, Mary W. 1
- Crapo, Fred 1
- Day, Maureen 1
- DeShon, Louis C. 1
- Deerhound Club (NL) 1
- Deerhound Club of Victoria 1
- Deerhound Club of Victoria (AU) 1
- Doberman Pinscher Club of America 1
- Doherty, Filomena 1
- Drew, Laurel 1
- Dunrobin Kennels 1
- Eastern Coursing Club 1
- Eaton, Sandy 1
- Edward, Duke of, Windsor, 1894-1972 1
- Eichel, Beverly 1
- Freeman, Linda 1
- Gardner, Thomas 1
- Gately, Thomas M. 1
- Gayterry Kennels 1
- German Shepherd Dog Club of Long Island, Inc. 1
- Giant Schnauzer Club of America 1
- Gilbert, William P. 1
- Goose Allen, Sandra 1
- Grant, Frank L. 1
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America 1
- Greyhound Club of America 1
- Haines, William (Bill) T. 1
- Harris, Jacqueline C., Dr. 1
- Henry, Wilbur E. (Red) 1
- Hetherington, Jean 1
- Hilliard, Marjorie (Maggie) 1
- Horne, Lena 1
- Howe, Dorothy 1
- Irish Setter Club of America 1
- Irish Water Spaniel Club of America, Inc. 1
- Jaeger, Missy 1
- James Crowley, Executive Secretary, American Kennel Club 1
- Japanese Chin Club of America 1
- Jenner, Edward Baker 1
- Keating, Pam 1
- Keeshond Club of America 1
- Kelly, Grace 1
- King, Gordon 1
- Kleinhans, Karen 1
- Knoop, A. Peter 1
- Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. 1
- Lee, Muriel 1
- Lipschutz, Eleanor 1
- Löwchen Club of America 1
- Mackay-Smith, W.E. 1
- Marvin, John T. 1
- Mastiff Club of America 1
- Matarazzo, June 1
- McDonald, Kenneth M. 1
- McDonald, Margaurite 1
- Moore, Robert J. 1
- Muskogee Kennel Club 1
- Muss-Arnolt, Gustav 1
- Myers, Lucy Jane 1
- Newfoundland Club of America 1
- Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club (USA) 1
- Otterhound Club of America 1
- Page, Albion L. 1
- Page, George Shepard 1
- Parratt, Philip 1
- Pekingese Club of America 1 ∧ less